How to make a Tudor execution block, step # 1:

This is the actual block used for beheading in the Tower of London, hand carved from elm 24.8″ height, 21.8″ length, 12.9″ wide, 125 lbs.
How to make a Tudor execution block, step #2:
Build frame from recycled pine that once was Shawn’s Wizard of Oz set!
How to make a Tudor execution block, step #3:
Spend all day outside finishing framing & cutting veneer sidings.

(This is a lot slower than sewing)
How to make a Tudor execution block, step #4:
Glue veneer.

Pro tip: use history textbooks as weights.
How to make a Tudor execution block, steps #5 – 6:
Press wood filler into corners & sand when cured.

I worked on restoring the Queen’s chair while waiting for glue & filler to dry on each of the 5 sides.
How to make a Tudor execution block, step #7:
Cut wedge of wooden salad bowl to use as the neck well.

4am inspiration solution!
How to make a Tudor execution block, step #8:
Finished Product!
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