2017/2018 Season: Joan of Arc and the Hundred Years’ War
Odyssey Opera is heating up in 2017/18:
Tchaikovsky: The Maid of Orléans
September 16, 2017
NEC’s Jordan Hall
Donizetti: L’assedio di Calais
October 26 + 28, 2017
Huntington Avenue Theatre
Dello Joio: The Trial at Rouen
December 1, 2017
NEC’s Jordan Hall
Honegger: Jeanne d’Arc au bûcher
February 17, 2018
Sanders Theatre
Verdi: Giovanna d’Arco
April 5 + 7, 2018
Huntington Avenue Theatre
“This season, each one of Odyssey Opera’s productions reflects the socio-political contexts from which they sprang, peppered with doses of religion, propaganda, or patriotism,” Each composer represented in this season has, with their unique sonic language, captured the passion of the wondrous French maiden in operas that evoke a world filled with angelic and demonic voices, tolling bells, kings and clerics, soldiers and Joan’s own people, the peasants of France.