Reviews for Henry VIII

By September 23, 2019Henry VIII, Reviews, The Tudors

From the Press:


“With such a terrific cast, a top-notch chorus and orchestra, and Gil Rose’s expert conducting, Odyssey Opera’s Henry VIII was a production about which even the Met could be envious.” –Edge Media Network 

“It was a thrilling opportunity to experience this work in its entirety, for the first time ever, and yet another proof (as though one needed one) of the vital presence of Odyssey Opera in our musical community.” – South Shore Critic

“The Odyssey Opera Orchestra (especially in the ballet scene) and Chorus were, as always, outstanding.” – South Shore Critic

“The singers for Saturday’s performance were consistently excellent” –Boston Classical Review

“The performance, at least, was absolutely top-notch from everyone involved, and it was to an extremely high standard even by Odyssey Opera’s already high standards.” –Schmopera

“An excellent roster of singers, an impressive orchestra, and sensitive but efficient direction by Gil Rose combined to make a memorable evening…Our thanks go to him and Odyssey Opera for the latest resurrection of a neglected treasure.” – The Boston Musical Intelligencer

“The Tudors provide Odyssey’s unifying theme this season. Works by Britten, German, Pacini, Rosner and Rossini dominated by the queens of the era follow. Performed at this level, they promise a memorable season.” –Bachtrack

The cast was exceptional. The whole team put their hearts and souls into this concert. I truly admire their devotion to history, music, and the human condition.” – New England Theater Geek 

From our audiences:

“Extremely beautiful!”
“This was the place to be tonight.”
“A phenomenal performance”
“We’ve witnessed something very special”
“This concert is BALLER!”

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